A high turnout for the “Agricultural Innovations for Grain Legumes” conference, held yesterday, July 15th, at the Cooperativa Cerealicoltori Coldiretti in the Murgia area of Spinazzola (BT).
The event, organized in collaboration with the University of Bari Aldo Moro and Micosidin, with the support of Rainpower, Agriges, Apsov, and Koppert, was an occasion to present our farming techniques and the MartinoRossi controlled supply chain model to more than 180 local farms, for a total surface area of approximately 12,000 hectares.
The initiative was the result of a project launched in February, with the sowing of a 12,000 square meter test field, where we planted various varieties of chickpeas (from among those selected by our agronomists), with the objective of comparing them and identifying which perform the best and which treatments are the most effective for obtaining the best harvest, in terms of both quality and quantity.
Presenting the experiment were Professor Giuseppe De Mastro and Dr. Donato Stea from the University of Bari’s Department of Agri-Environmental and Territorial Sciences, as well as our supply chain director, Arrigo Artioli.
After the presentations, participants visited the field, where they could see the various types of plants up close and receive detailed information from our agronomists, coordinated by Micosidin. Finally, the event moved on to the threshing and the harvest, in order to verify, in person, the results and the differences in yield between the various varieties and methods.
The findings will be elaborated by experts from the University of Bari and published in the magazine “l’Informatore Agrario”, as well as shared by all of the event’s participants, in order to spread knowledge and good practices that are accessible to all.
It is with projects such as this one that we wish to assist and bring know-how to the sector, promoting our supply chain model everywhere we can, so as to help companies to produce better, in greater quantities, and more sustainably than before.